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නවතම CDB පුවත් සමඟින් රැදෙන්න
1-7 of 7 items

CDB crowned at National ICT Awards for AI-Powered Credit Decision Making
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
Golfing excellence showcased at RCGC’s October Monthly Medal presented by CDB
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
CDB steps into 29th year continuing Empowering Aspirations of Sri Lankans
වැඩිදුර කියවන්නUnparalleled commitment to sustained HR development gains Platinum for CDB
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
CDB empowers aspirations with Smart Computer Labs for Eastern Province
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
CDB wins in NBFI sector for business excellence for seventh consecutive year
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
Triumph at Digital Trust Awards reiterates CDB’s pioneering tech pathways
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
CDB and SLACD unveil state-of-the-art Autism Intervention Centre in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න